Weekend - including Orienteering & the Shallow End
The weekend started with a farewell meal for the Warrington office on Friday night. Saturday was St Wilfred's fair. See The Stockport Trust blog" for more of that.
Sunday was orienteering. It was only my second time and Lan's first. There was a choice of Easy 1.9k kms (following paths) to Hard 5.8 km (cutting across country). Lan insisted on the Hard 4.1 km. The organisers thought we were very brave for beginners. Lan was insistent because 4.1 kms was no distance. (Of course that assumes crow distance run from point to point.
It's all electronic these days. One wears an e-card as a ring. There are 16 checkpoints to find and when found you put the ring in the electronic checkpoint. It gives a breakdown of the run. So I know it took us one hour twenty five minutes. Not very impressive. In fact it gives more details, It took us 27 minutes to find the second checkpoint. It averages out at less than four minutes for everything else.
The second checkpoint was a real problem. We even lost each other for a while, but luckily we both had our mobiles. Lan was keen to do it again though. Unfortunately, we will now have to wait for Spring for the next Deeside Orienteering Club event.

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