Inside the big polo mint
This afternoon I had a CT Scan test. First I had to spend an hour drinking 800ml of dye to colour my organs for the MRI scanner. Then they put a need the size of football pump needle into my arm. Through this they injected a dye for my blood. Apart from the needle, it's quite a nice experience. A warming glow spreads round the body, more powerful than a fine whisky. The radiologist observed that it feels like one has wet ones pants. I had just thought of it as a warm glow in the loins, but it could also feel like incontinence.
After all this the table moves in and out of the scanner that, that reminds me of a large polo mint.
It reminds me of 8 years ago and going through all this for the first tumour. That was a lot more disturbing as I had less idea what was going on and Lan was adjusting being in Britain, let alone British hospitals.
One major difference this time is the pain. Last time didn't hurt, except for recovering from the operation and the radiology sapped my strength. This time the tumour is painful and getting worse. It's keeping me awake. Meanwhile staff in Abu Dhabi and Australia are hassling me to provide inputs for a proposal, for work I know I won't be fit enough to do.
There is no doubt I want the time off work and the treatment as soon as possible.
Labels: health
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