Biopsy Report
[I am feeling rather tired at the moment, so I will make do with posting excerpts from an email.]
The biopsy says 295g of tissue was removed, which included all 8 lymph nodes from that area. Four of the lymph nodes contained melanoma (skin cancer). The surgeons have done all they can to deal with the cancer. In six weeks or so, they may consider surgery to reshape the flap they added, so I am not left with an odd shaped lump of fat and skin.
I have also been give some antibiotics, because it might be infection causing some of the swelling.
Meanwhile I have referred to a physician. He will decide whether further treatment, such as chemotherapy, is appropriate to counteract microscopic tumours that might have spread to elsewhere. I am told that it is unlikely I will get an appointment this month.
The other relevant action is that my case will be discussed by a monthly interdisciplinary meeting. It might throw up insight which my previous consultants have missed. Apparently I am unusual in that they have never had a secondary tumour grow from such a small primary tumour before.
Labels: health
Gosh that seems a lot of tissue! I guess you'd rather not be a medical first, I hope they do manage to get all the little buggers this time.
Rest.. enjoy Christmas.
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