It's a pulmonary angiogram by the CT Unit which I am having, rather than a CT scan.
[Correction: after a bit of Googling, I have concluded that a pulmonary angiogram is one of a number of tests that can be done on a CT scanner. ]
I think this is to test if I have a blood clot. This was identified as a possible reason for my shortness of breath when I was admitted. If so, it has taken a while to arrange. I have been able to take deep breaths, without discomfort, since Sunday.
Of course, if there is a clot, it is important that it identified as clots can move and cause more serious blockages. T nurse pointed out that the doctors may want to know what effect the wound & cancerous bumps are having on circulation.
Having to starve prior to the test presents problems due to my diabetes. I am now managing my insulin, which is an improvement as the nurses are too busy to reliably coordinate the injections with meals. That's fine until they say I can't eat for 10 hours then concede a few hours later that I can have a light lunch.
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