Working while waiting
I have been back at work since Wednesday and expect to be working Monday and Tuesday this week as well. I hope by then, a diagnosis will be derived from the biopsy and I will know where I stand.
It is probably not sensible, but having an operation, even as an outpatient, worries me more than Chemo.
Being back at work has been a bit tiring. Driving to work aggravates the pain in the leg and my poor co-workers are uncomfortable watching me hobble around. I think its those who know about the testicular cancer because, despite me telling them that the lump is much higher up, almost on my hip, these guys are imagining having a tumour on the testicle. (There was nothing painful about that, 8 years ago, until they operated. I could have gone some time not worrying about it, had Lan not insisted - thank goodness.]

So may be it is stress related. But that is rather odd, for I am getting very little stress at work. Having handed all my work over to others and not being sure I will be around for long, I just have bits and pieces to do and can almost choose my tasks.
Labels: health
Being at work and cossetted is much better than fretting at home. Good choice.
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