Keep trying
I had an attempt at pushing things forward. I rang up the surgeon to tell him about my near diabetic hypo last night. The lack of sleep (I have been having disturbed sleep for 2 months now) caught up with at 9.30pm and I just wanted to crash out. Fortunately, Lan got me to take blood sugar test first and I was very low. I found it quite a struggle to stay awake long enough to take some food. So it was rather worrying.
So I told the surgeon all about this, but he assured there was no way he could move me forward, but least he now definitely knows I am diabetic and he tells me I will be the first on the day.
In fact this happened two nights ago, so I have been kicking myself for not mentioning it at the consultation. So by ringing him up, I have stopped being angry with myself for not bringing it up.
I have twelve days to go, so I have made a decision to try and use the time positively, rather than just sitting in front of the TV or PC, trying to find the most comfortable position. So I initiated this resolution by going to Morrisons supermarket with Lan. Which I think shows dedication because I hate Supermarket shopping at the best of times. I ended up spending most of the time sitting at the old codgers bench at the check out, with all the other stick carrying, infirm men.
Then in the afternoon we went to the Manchester Museum at the University of Manchester. I have never been there before. It was bigger and better than I expected and Lan enjoyed it too.
We are out again tomorrow, for a cremation. Our neighbour died of cancer. She was well into her 70s, if not 80s and been smoking all her life. She had just about got her garden and house into the way she wanted it. She was always very friendly and thought our garden was amazing. She was often inviting people into her back garden to view our garden. She was also the best source of all the local gossip.
Are you planning to put this on Flickr?
I have an appt. on the 14th Nov to have my probable gall stones investigated. I am supposed to be in Germany for a project start meeting. Follwing all your trials I have decided I am going to the hospital, not Germany! Bugger work. I feel lousy and stupidly read the stomach cancer page on Wikipedia.
you put your health first. I have found that in the work place, everyone respects the need to put health before work, even if the timing is bad.
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