Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Out even later

We haven't had the results of my blood tests yet, but the docotor would like to see some good stable results, today and tomorrow, before releasing me. I am not clear whether it is blood thickness which is most important or signs that my infection is under control. Anyway both have to be satisfactory. If I have two days of good results by tomorrow, I might be out.

I was in a lot of pain ths morning. I think it was because the pain killer came an hour later than usual. t might also be because Dr Leo suggested that I stop using the moisturiser on the wound (as it seems to have softened the skin to such a point that it is leaking). As the wound dries out again, it may be contracting and causing pain. I feel all right now. I shall see if the pain returns.

Steve has lent me a book, You can heal your life. I am cynical, but I will give this book a read.

Lan continues to suffer. A GP visited and diagnosed vertigo. I thought this related only to heights, but Google search tells me that there are a number of conditions and infections, related to blockages of the middle ear which lead to dizziness. I haven't tied the description of Lan's consultation to any of the specific googled diagnoses, but I am heartened that GP seems to have a specific diagnosis in mind, not just an unspecified infection.

Ever since I have known Lan, she has occasionally complained of dizziness due to: running; walking up hill; to much excercise or worry. Usually something too minor to worry about. Maybe this is a clue to something longstanding and maybe it will improve Lan's general spirit of well-being.

Dad had his eye-site tested yesterday, back in Good Hope hospital, Sutton Coldield. They have given him an appointment for laser treatment next month. As well as being grateful that his poor eyesite will be improved, we hope that he will once more be able to drive. This will take the pressure off Mum.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Graham has had two or three bouts of vertigo. Twice he was so bad that he had to crawl around on hands and knees. He did respond to the medication he was given though and made a quick recovery. I think other people may have less severe symptoms which can last for longer. Hope Lan does well on the treatment and maybe it will encourage her to rest up a bit.

Wednesday, 31 January, 2007  

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