On Bank Holiday Monday, Lan & I went with Jenny and Tony to the Mathew Street Fesitval: http://www.mathewstreetfestival.com/
Labels: Lan
Labels: Lan
BBQ at the vicarage. This is the annual celebration of the opening of the Heritage Centre as a thank you to the volunteers.
Labels: Heritage Trust
Labels: Heritage Trust
Labels: books
The Stockport Heritage logo on the replica 15 century bed we have donated to the museum. £10,000 was raised by the Trust to buy and preserve the house. In the end, our campaigning efforts made the council take on the project. (The house was bought by CPO for £60,000 while restoration cost millions.) So it was agreed that the money should be spent on enhancing the museum.
Labels: Heritage Trust
Labels: Heritage Trust
20-21 Aug 2005022 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Labels: Lan