Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas in New Jersey

Lan flyingWe flew to Newark airport on Christmas Eve. The flight went well until we got to the luggage carousel and waited and waited. All luggage had been delivered and ours wasn't amongst it. We weren't the only ones. It seemed to be everyone who had transferred at Amsterdam from the Manchester flight were in the same position. Families facing Christmas without presents were becoming strained. So we remained cool and were careful not to lose our temper with the stressed luggage claims woman. So having given our details on the bags, we were joined by my parents who had been in New Jersey for a week already.

We got the two of us added to the list of drivers for the parents' hire car and then set off to the hotel. The so-called two room suite, is a bit small for the four of us, but we don't expect to spend a lot of time there.

Via a call at McCaffrey's (our first US mall but quite a modest sized one, we went to our friends: Mike; Aleta; Galen; and Maren. There we had a marvellous Bouillabaisse meal. Lan did much of the cooking to the directions of Mike. Also present are: Gitta; Bryan; Lesley; Helen; Emma, Sarah and Nicholas.

Washington Crossing the DelawareChristmas day we marked by going to the Washington Crossing State Park, to see a re-enactment of the historic event 229 years ago to the day, when Washington led a force across the Delaware, in the snow to attack Trenton 10 miles march further on. The attack caught the Hessian troops (German mercenaries) by surprise and gave an enormous morale boost to the 6 month old revolution which was flagging after a series of failures. This success led on to a series victories.

washers upThen back to our friends, for a traditional British Christmas meal.

Follow this link for more photos of Lan.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

MUFC ice rink

Lan & Bill
Originally uploaded by BuddaBoy.
We went skating with Lucy, Mike, Sarka, David, Ewan, Chelsea and John.


Monday, December 12, 2005

The Cliftons

Lan at PurelandWe took our annual trip to South Clifton, Nottinghamshire to visit family.  As usual, we dropped by on the 'Pureland', Japanese relaxation & meditation centre.  We know it’s closed in Winter, but we peek over the gate and take a look.  This time, Lan prevailed on the owner to let us in.  Being winter and not expecting visitors, it wasn’t pristine, but it was beautiful.  The Japanese owner and meditation teacher has spent the last 25 years developing this garden and it is beautiful and evocative of Japan.  It was also fun recognising items from garden centres.

Then on to South Clifton for the pre-Christmas meal.

Also a last chance to see my parents before seeing them again for Christmas near a different Newark, in the US.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

A History Maker

This is an intriguing novel I finished reading recently. I feel it should come with instructions. It has 65 pages of notes and glossary at the end. Some elements of the story are only explained at the end. I wasn't sure whether to read the novel first and then the notes, or keep referring as I went along. I think some sort of compromise is required, but how the story reads will depend on how up to date you are on the notes.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

tie and Faber Maunsell has successfully steered Ediburgh Tram Line 2 through the "Consideration Stage" on behalf of City of Edinburgh Council. I was in charge of the patronage and revenue modelling.


Saturday, December 03, 2005

Cover of Stockport Heritage Magazine

St Mary's
Originally uploaded by Torve.
Three of my photos have been used in Stockport Heritage Magazine, Winter 05/06, including this one as the cover. This is flattering.

This is presumably a consequence of me sending the editor a CD of my photos and telling him he could use them for the magazine.

Marple Bridge Winter Wonderland

We had a pleasant stroll through Winter Wonderland. Lan saw her first Morris Dancing, which kept us both amused for a couple of minutes.

More photos on the Stockport Heritage Trust blog.