
To be honest this blog is just an excuse to post this picture of Bakers Vaulst, so I can use it elsewhere on the Net.
I certainly don't agree with everything stated in the Blood and Oil blog, but it's a more accurate analysis than one generally gets to hear.
The weekend started with a farewell meal for the Warrington office on Friday night. Saturday was St Wilfred's fair. See The Stockport Trust blog" for more of that.
Labels: Lan
I am told this photo of mine, showing Lan walking under Manchester Airport runway, became the "Most Interesting" photo on for 10.10.05.
Labels: Lan
Labels: Lan
My Other Worlds blog is being over looked at the moment, as I have been getting the Stockport Heritage Trust blog off the ground. This blog is effectively just me at the moment, but I am hoping that other Trust members will start participating. even if they don't I hope they will find the postings and the links of interest and value.
Labels: Heritage Trust